Nomination for Director Petitions were mailed to members in Districts 2, 7, and 8. To become a director candidate and appear on the Annual Meeting ballot, follow the instructions on the petition. Directors elected at the Annual Meeting will serve a three-year term. 

February 25: This is the deadline for both the Director Nomination Petitions and Proposed Resolutions.

April 26: Join us on this date for the 87th annual meeting. Members can attend the meeting at either the Ladysmith headquarters warehouse or at the branch office in Hayward.  


If you are pursuing a post-secondary education this fall and are an active member or a student of an active member, be sure to apply for a JREC scholarship.  JREC offers 35, $1,000 scholarships.

We are excited to announce that a new scholarship category has been added this year.  Students who are pursuing a career in the energy, agriculture, or environmental field of work can apply for our Powering the Future Scholarship.  Click on the below button to learn more.


Viasat is fast and unlimited!

Unlimited plans with soft data caps starting at $69.99 per month with speeds up to 50 Mbps. Viasat offers three plans, giving subscribers more options to better fit their internet needs.

Want faster with bigger data plans.  No worries, we have you covered with our new UNLEASHED plan. Speeds are up to 100 Mbps and your data is unlimited for only $119.99. Buckle up and give Viasat's Unleashed a try.  


Find out if your water heater or electric heat on the

load management program is being controlled

by clicking on the correct icon below.


load control.gif                        load control com.gif