Trees are one of the leading causes of lengthy service interruptions to our members. Trees and vegetation interfering or growing too close to power lines (in the utility right-of-way) can create a multitude of inconvenience and dangerous situations, including damage to equipment, blinking lights, fire threat, power outages, and a safety threat to the general public. Plant and tree growth also create an easy route to the lines and equipment for children and wildlife who do not understand the potential danger of the lines.
Maintaining trees and brush at regular intervals is vital if we are to supply reliable electric service. Your cooperation is essential and very much appreciated. Postcards are sent to JREC members prior to ROW work beginning in their area.
JREC utilizes contractors to perform necessary right-of-way maintenance work. These crews use aerial devices, mulching equipment, and chainsaws to trim, cut, and remove trees and brush within the Utility Maintenance Area (UMA). Any trees outside the ROW that pose a threat to our lines, are considered a fire hazard, lean toward the line, or pose a potential public safety hazard are removed. After this maintenance work is complete, typically two years later, the contractor will follow-up with herbicide applications underneath powerlines and around poles to help control growth until they return to the area.
Again any time an approved contractor is working, members in the area are mailed postcards detailing the work to be completed prior to the contractor transitioning into the area.
The Right Landscaping for the Right Place
Keeping you safe! Keeping your power on!
The utility easement needs to remain clear of vegetation, rocks, fences and other objects in order for Jump River Electric Cooperative (JREC) crews to access power lines and underground equipment without any hindrances. In addition, the grade of the ground should not be altered around the pedestals and transformer boxes without prior coordination.
Having accessibility to power lines and transformer boxes/pedestals is essential for JREC crews. Clear access enables crews to safely perform routine maintenance and restore power as quickly as possible during a power outage.
Trees and vegetation interfering or growing too close to power lines (in the utility "right-of-way") can create a multitude of inconvenient and dangerous situations, including damage to equipment or vegetation, blinking lights, fire threat, power outages, and safety threat to the general public. Plant and tree growth also create an easy route to the lines and equipment for children and wildlife who do not understand the potential danger of the power lines.
We are dedicated in keeping our members, the public, and our line crews safe. Please assist JREC by planting vegetation and by placing other objects out of the utility easement. Have a landscaping plan. Help keep the utility easement clear. Put the right landscaping in the right place.
Jump River Electric Cooperative thanks you for understanding how important this message is.
Any questions, please contact our office at 715-532-5524.