Call 811 at least three days before you dig!
Do you have an outdoor project planned? If so, call 811 before you dig!
In 1974, the State of Wisconsin enacted a law that all projects that involve digging or excavating must have the underground lines properly marked. Call the Diggers Hotline (811 -or- 800-242-8511) if you are planning work that might involve using a shovel, including (but not limited to): installing a new deck, planting a tree, landscaping, building a shed or fence, or adding a retaining wall. Make safety your first priority and have underground lines properly marked.
Cooperative-owned and maintained underground lines up to the metering point (see illustration below) will be located at no charge to the member as long as they make the request via Diggers Hotline prior to digging.
At least three days prior to beginning your project, contact Diggers Hotline via phone (811 -or- 800-242-8511) or email via to file a request (email-a-locate).
Diggers Hotline notifies the Cooperative's contractor of your request. Diggers Hotline is only a notification system. The company who marks the lines is hired by the Cooperative and other local utilities.
The Cooperative's contractor goes to your site to identify and mark the underground lines. Different utilities may arrive at your job site at different times to do the marking.