Due to JREC's Privacy Policy, it is important that we speak to the person(s) whose name is listed on the account. Members can call our office at 715-532-5524 to update their information or complete the form below.
Please keep us informed of any changes to your billing information.
Please keep Jump River Electric up-to-date even if you move off of our lines so you can receive future capital credit payouts. You can notify JREC of any changes to your billing information by completing and submitting the online form, completing the below form, or by calling our office.
- If you prefer to provide this information by way of email or mail, please complete the Change Form. Please email this form to jrec@jrec.com or mail to JREC, PO Box 99, Ladysmith WI, 54848.
- If you are moving onto Jump River Electric Cooperative lines from another utility or from another location on Jump River Electric lines, please call our office at 715-532-5524. Thank you!
- Letter of Credit Request - Fill out this form to have Jump River Electric Cooperative mail, fax or email your new utility a Letter of Credit on your behalf. Please email this form to jrec@jrec.com or mail to JREC, PO Box 99, Ladysmith WI, 54848.
Thank you for your help in