Electric Vehicles
Electric Vehicles (EV) are more popular than ever and EV ownership is increasing among members. Below are menus with fact sheets and more information for your review. We have had numerous discussions among ourselves and with other electric cooperatives studying the trends of the EV market and the impact on our electric distribution grid. Currently, the demand for electricity during the late-night and early morning hours is minimal, and the cost of energy is at its lowest. We want to encourage EV owners to take advantage of low-cost energy during times that have the least impact on the electric grid. This has led us to develop an EV charging load management program that not only suits our members but aligns with the needs of the electric industry. If you have or are considering an EV, JREC encourages you to take advantage of this new EV charging opportunity.
Not all electric cars are created equal. HERE are the four main types of electric cars and some facts about each type.
Overview of Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Is an Electric Vehicle right for you?
How long will an Electric Vehicle battery last?