Teaching Youngsters the Important Lesson of Energy Efficiency
Electronic and mobile devices, TVs, computers and gaming stations have become ubiquitous fixtures in our homes, particularly those with children. Consumer electronics coupled with the proliferation of smart home appliances, technology and electric vehicles have slowly but steadily changed our homes and lifestyles.
This ever-connected world is the modern environment in which children are growing up. And with lifestyles increasingly reliant on technology and in turn, energy consumption, teaching youngsters to save energy is an important life lesson.
Here are some websites that are geared to helping our children learn how to become more energy efficient.
Kid's ENERGY STAR: www.energystar.gov/about/kids
Energy Education Council: www.energyedcouncil.org (link to e-Smartkids)
Teaching your children about saving energy is not only a creative way to spend time with them; it helps your home to be more energy efficient and can instill good habits that will benefit your child long into adulthood.
Children's Activity Book (printable pdf)