If you are building a new home, remodeling, or changing your existing service and will require a new electric service or service change, please call us four to six weeks prior to when you need it. Several things must be done before the service can be installed. The route of the line has to be determined and staked, a membership application must be completed, an easement needs to be obtained and recorded with the Register of Deeds, and an estimate for cost of construction will be provided after meeting with the home owner. The new electric service checklist below will help walk you through the new construction process.
Payment for the line/service must be made prior to construction. The cost of the electric service depends on the length of the line extension to be built along with other fees. See the New Service Fee chart for some of these fees.
While we work hard to install your new electric service as soon as possible, even on short notice, it really helps when we are notified in advance. We also provide other products and services you may want to considers, from electric heat to Viasat high-speed Internet. Be sure to also take advantage of the many rebates available to you through the Energy Sense program.
Be sure to call Diggers Hotline before you do any digging - Dial 811.
$800 New Service/Staking Fee
$1,000 Road Bore Fee
$1,200 Cut in Pole or Underground Equipment
Footage Charges: $14/ft. for up to 200 ft., $13/ft. for 201 - 400 ft., and $7/ft. for 401 ft.+
(EXAMPLE: A single-phase new service installation with 600 feet of wire would be billed as follows: $800 service fee and a footage charge as follows: 200 ft. @ $14/ft. = $2,800, 200 ft. @ $13/ft. = $2,600, and 200 ft. @ $7/ft. = $1,400; for a $6,800 footage charge. Grand Total is $7,600)
*There is a 25' minimum footage charge with each new service or service change. Additional charges may apply based on your individual service requirements. Please call 715-532-5524 for Ladysmith/Hannibal area construction or 715-634-4575 for Hayward area construction to receive an estimate for your new service. Refer to JREC's price list for more information.
If you decide to proceed with your new electric construction, please refer to the new electric construction checklist. This checklist provides you with information on what will need to be completed prior to JREC installing your new electric service.
Effective 1/1/2024