Report an Outage

Always report your power outage.  During working hours, call 715-532-5524 (Ladysmith) or 715-634-4575 (Hayward).  If after-hours, use your mobile phone and click the button below.

View Current Outages

Check out the map to see if there are outages in your area.  As always, if you are experiencing an outage, call 1-866-273-5111 if after-hours.

Outage Text Alert Notification is available.  Learn how to sign up for text or email alerts here.

What to Do If You Lose Power

1.  Check breakers and see if neighbors are out

2.  Find your account number and report outage

3.  Find more helpful tips here


The live outage map will show you which townships are experiencing outages and how many people are currently out of power. This outage map is provided as a courtesy to keep members informed.   

Outage numbers are estimates at the time the map is updated; and accuracy is not guaranteed for official publication purposes, but is very generic with fine detail for member safety purposes.  

Remember to always report an outage and have your account number available to help expedite your call. 

Safety First

Learn and share these electrical safety rules with your family.Stay away from power lines, meters, transformers and electrical boxes.

  • Don't climb trees, fly kites, or work near power lines and poles.
  • Always follow generator installation and safety instructions.
  • Stay in the car if you are in a car accident with a power pole.  The exception to this rule is if your car is on fire.
  • Because water conducts electricity, do not use appliances or power tools while your hands are damp or while standing in or near water.

Planned Power Outage

On the occasion of a planned power outage (scheduled to allow for repairs or upgrades), every attempt is made to contact our members by phone to ensure that they are aware of the time and duration of the planned outage.

We also need to know who depends on life-support equipment during planned and unplanned outages.  Please call 715-532-5524 (Ladysmith) or 715-634-4575 (Hayward) to update your phone number or to report the names, locations, and life-support equipment used by member.

Power Restoration

When severe storms knock out power over a large area, line workers must decide where to go first in order to restore service to the greatest number of customers in the shortest amount of time. Safety is always a top priority and dangerous problems must be attended to first. Here's a general description of how JREC responds to outages in order to get your lights back on.

Read more on Powering Up After A Storm.


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Please read the information below to help prepare for the forecasted winter storm approaching our area.

Be sure to have an emergency kit ready before the next storm hits.  Include a copy of the below list of local emergency resources and their contact information within your emergency kit.

Local Emergency Management List

Always notify Jump River Electric Cooperative when outages occur or if you see downed power lines.  Please call our offices at 715-532-5524 (Ladysmith) or 715-634-4575 (Hayward) during office hours, and after-hours call 1-866-273-5111.  Any unsafe circumstances should also be reported.  Always assume all downed lines are live and avoid approaching them or anything near them, including trees. 

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