Keep taking photos...
and be ready for our next member photo contest to be held in the future.
Dust off that camera and show us what you love about living in rural Wisconsin. You can submit up to three photos. Guidelines are as follows:
Photos must be taken within the Jump River Electric Cooperative service area.
Photos must be digital and in a high resolution format, at least 300 dpi.
Horizontal (landscape) photos are preferred.
Photos must be sent in original format and not manipulated with any enhancement software, i.e. Photoshop or other programs.
All JREC members 18 years and older are eligible to submit a photo. If under the age of 18, a parent/guardian must sign the consent form below.
Member must own rights to the photo.
Three (3) photos only per member may be submitted.
Email photos and completed consent form to dzimmer@jrec.com by deadline. Include your JREC account number, address, and phone number within the email.
All photos must be submitted by deadline established with each contest.
By submitting your photo, you are granting JREC permission to use your photo in a variety of publications and on our website and social media pages.
Enter this contest for a chance to win an energy credit of $50 for first place, $30 for second place, and $20 for third place. Thank you for entering our contest.