We appreciate your membership in the cooperative. We are here to serve you. Contact our billing department at 715-532-5524, Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. or email with comments, questions, or if we can help you in any other way. Please be sure to provide your account number when calling or emailing us.
Are you having problems understanding your energy bill? If so, click on the blue button below and you will find a handout that explains each component of your energy bill and provides more detailed information on energy related charges that make up your bill. If you would like to talk to our billing department regarding your bill, please call 715-532-5524. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Thank you for being a member.
How to Read Your Energy Bill
Jump River Electric Cooperative will set rates that provide electricity that is reliable, cost based, and maintains the Cooperative's financial strength at the lowest possible retail rate. The rates will be designed to be fair and equitable to all members across all classes.
Your Cooperative is a not-for-profit, distribution cooperative. As a distribution cooperative, we are responsible for operating the distribution system that delivers power to our members. This includes all the material, equipment, facilities, and employees required to deliver safe and reliable electricity from the local distribution substations. We purchase our power from Dairyland Power Cooperative who is our Generation and Transmission Cooperative. Dairyland is responsible for supplying us with the required amount of power and transmission capacity to meet our members' needs.
Watch the below video to find out what a A Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) charge is and why it can be added to your energy bill.
*Fixed Cost of Delivery Charge: Your electric bill has two separate components: (1) the fixed cost of delivery charge, and (2) the energy or kilowatt-hour (kWh) rate, which may also include a power cost adjustment (PCA) charge. Combined, these charges result in your total monthly electric bill. This charge reflects the cost of having your electrical service energized and available for your use at your discretion. It is charged to all connected accounts, regardless of how much, if any, electricity is consumed at the site.
The fixed cost of delivery charge recovers a variety of expenses to your cooperative. These include the physical line materials such as poles, conductor, transformers, metering devices, and also the recurring monthly costs associated with meter reading, accounting and billing.
The fixed cost of delivery charge appears as a separate line item on your monthly billing statement. The fixed cost of delivery charge does not affect the amount of your electric consumption or kWh recorded by the electric meter. We recover all energy-related charges through the kWh rates, not the fixed cost of delivery charge.
Payment of your statement: Your statement covers the electricity used from the first of the month to the last day of the month. To avoid a late payment charge, please pay your bill by the due date referenced on your monthly statement. If the due date falls on a Sunday or holiday, the statement is payable on the next working day. Payments may be made in several ways:
- By mail - Your bill is sent in a return envelope with the Cooperative’s preprinted address. Return the bottom portion of your statement with your payment. This will insure that your payment will be credited to your account. Payments sent through the mail should be by check or money order. Please do not send cash through the mail.
- In Person - Our main office is located in Ladysmith and the branch office is in Hayward. Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Ladysmith and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Hayward, Monday through Friday. A night deposit box is located at both locations.
- Automatic Payment Plan - This plan lets you pay your bills automatically without writing a check. You won’t have to worry about missing a payment and you’ll save time as well as checks and postage. The payment will be withdrawn from the appropriate account on the day the statement is due. If interested, please sign up through SmartHub or by calling our pay-by-phone number, which is 844-967-2320. You will receive a one-time $15 energy credit if you sign-up using this option through your checking account.
- By credit/debit card - We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover cards. If you prefer to pay by credit card, you can do so by calling 888-255-6489 or by using our SmartHub option; our electronic bill presented and payment service. This service is free as well! You will need an email address to set up this account on SmartHub. You can pay your bill on the date you prefer or you can set up your account to automatically pay your bill each month. You can also track your past 12 months of energy bills, account and usage history, and notify JREC of any outage at SmartHub.
- Pay-by-Phone at 1-844-967-2320. Call our toll-free number at any time and pay your bill with a check, credit, or debit card. You will need your account number and payment method information.
- Pay Now - You can pay your bill without setting up an online account at SmartHub. This can be used as a "guest" option for one-time only payments. PAY NOW
- Paperless Billing - You can also sign up for paperless billing at the SmartHub site. An email will be sent to you each month notifying you that your bill is ready to view. A one-time $10 energy credit is given for each new paperless sign-up.
Note: Each non-sufficient fund check issued to Jump River Electric Cooperative will be charged a fee of no less than $35.
Late Payments: A bill is considered late if it is not paid by the statements due date. After that date, a 1.5% late charge is added. Unpaid accounts are subject to disconnection.

Please call if you have any questions on the energy rate schedule or above information.
You can reach our billing department at 715-532-5524.